
Older—But Still Valid—Flood Maps

FEMA transitioned to digitial maps in the early 2000's, but maps going far back as the 1970's are still in about 400 counties.

Tracking Old Maps As They Are Phased Out

FEMA starting using its current mapping technology in the early 2000's. The maps from before the early 2000's going back to the 1970s are still valid, but are not easy to access. National Flood Data has converted all of these to a modern format so that they can be integrated into our services.

There are over 3,000 counties in the United States, and FEMA updates about 60 to 75 county maps every month. Most updates are for maps that are already in the modern format, but most months several of the older maps from earlier than 2000 are replaced. National Flood Data tracks all of these updates and replaces the older map with the new map. Occasionally only part of a county gets a new map and the old map still applies in the rest of the county. In these cases National Flood Data makes the appropriate update and reconciles the old and the new maps.


National Flood Data provides comprehensive FEMA and related flood data and flood zone determinations to insurance companies, mortgage lenders and large real estate owners. The services are interacted with by API and allow our customers to make their operations as efficient and automated as possible. To try our API, register or log in to create a trial key. We are located in Seattle, Washington. When you call us, we answer the phone.




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